Thursday, April 16, 2009

All Jesus asks is "What do you have?" and "Will you give it to me?"

The symphonic choir sang in chapel yesterday. Normally, I'm out the back door when we're done, because it seems that we sing at the times when I'm most pressed for time. But yesterday, for whatever reason, call it laziness, call it the Holy Spirit, I decided to stay.
Recently I've been dealing with my life choices. Why did I declare English and History? Why am I going to Iowa for this internship? What in the world am I going to do when I graduate?
Before college, it was Chemistry. I was going to do medical research to benefit allergy sufferers, especially those like myself who deal with idiopathic reactions (those that happen for no reason at all, the body just begins rejecting itself). After the first semester of my freshman year, I became a proud member of the College of the Undecided. Over the summer, I knew I was going to declare English, but had no idea what I was going to do with it. During the fall of my sophomore year and an amazing Cold War History class, I decided that History and English was the plan for me. Then I decided that I was going to be a lawyer. That was that.
Full steam ahead: LSAT books, law schools, night law schools, costs, intern opportunities.
Screeching the breaks: How in the name of peace am I going to afford law school?
Can I really spend all this time and money working with people who are only concerned with getting their money and keeping it? Is this where my path is leading me?
Where is your will, God? I can't see anymore. I can't make these decisions on my own. What if I choose wrong?

This brings me back to chapel.
The speaker yesterday was a representative from the International Justice Mission. ( They are dedicated specifically to seeking out those victims of injustice all over the worlds and striving to make a difference in theirs lives. Be they children sold into slavery in India, or young girls being kidnapped into brothels in China, they address it all. They get results. These are graduates of law schools, working in tangent with local governments in order to prevent these awful things from happening. These people didn't go to law school for the money and they aren't working in order to get offered a position as partner. Sitting there, in that pew, it hit me.
"What do you have?" A passion for those in need and a desire to make a difference.
"Will you give to me?" Yes.